TransitionWindowSegment specification
This is the engineering specification for the TransitionWindowSegment type.
A TransitionWindowSegment represents a specific region in a TransitionWindow.
Struct type
TransitionWindowSegment is a struct type, if the language allows.
struct TransitionWindowSegment {
position and length APIs
Provide two read-writable values for position
and length
Position and length must be expressed in normalized units from 0...1
inclusively. The sum of these two values must never exceed 1
struct TransitionWindowSegment {
var position
var length
0 <= position <= 1
0 <= length <= 1
0 <= position + length <= 1
Inverted API
Provide an API for inverting a segment.
TransitionWindowSegment {
/** Returns a new segment with an inverted position. */
func inverted() -> TransitionWindowSegment {
return TransitionWindowSegment(position: 1 - (position + length), length: length)
Include an epsilon constant.
/** Epsilon for use when comparing TransitionWindowSegment values. */
let TransitionWindowSegmentEpsilon = 0.00001