Material Motion Exploring solutions that will empower creators with the tools needed to describe and implement rich, interactive motion on any platform. Edit this page · History

July 14-20, 2016


πŸ› Β Invested in tooling this week.

🌟 Starmap πŸ—Ί

No updates this week.

🏎 Roadmap πŸ—Ί

          runtime          catalog
         /                /
android πŸŽ‰------πŸ“------🚩    🌱       🌱
apple   πŸŽ‰------πŸ“------🚩     open terrain
web     πŸ“------🚩------🚩         🌱

Android platform

πŸ“ Inter-repository dependency management workflow now defined.

πŸ“ Transitions MVP work initiated. The milestone.

Apple platforms

πŸ“ Transitions MVP work initiated. The milestone.

Web frameworks

πŸ“ Runtime MVP in progress. The milestone.
πŸ’‘ Exploring baking RX Observables into the runtime.


πŸŽ‰ yo mm-github generates a scaffolding GitHub repository for Android and Objective-C projects.

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