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TranslationGestureRecognizer · $._nextOperator translationAddedTo Draggable
Status Interface level Implementation level Library
Stable as of February 21, 2016 L2: Interaction creator L3: Stream creator material-motion
iOS (Swift) View
upstream (TranslationGestureRecognizer)
(Point) downstream

translationAddedTo specification

This is the engineering specification for the MotionObservable operator translationAddedTo that operates on TranslationGestureRecognizer value types.


Adds the current drag gesture translation to the provided initial position and emits the result.

Example usage:

gesture.translation(addedTo: propertyOf(target).center, in: view)


Expose translationAddedTo API

This API should only be available for streams emitting TranslationGestureRecognizer values. It should accept an initialPosition readable property and an element within which the translations should be calculated.

extension MotionObservable where T: TranslationGestureRecognizer {
  func translation(addedTo initialPosition: MotionObservable<Point>, in element: Element) -> MotionObservable<Point>

Cache the initial position on gesture activation

Update the cache on gesture began or gesture changed if no cache currently exists.

func translation(addedTo initialPosition: MotionObservable<Point>, in element: Element) -> MotionObservable<Point> {
  var cachedInitialPosition: Point?
  return _nextOperator { value, next in
    if value.state == .began || (value.state == .changed && cachedInitialPosition == nil)  {
      cachedInitialPosition = clone(initialPosition._read())

Blow away the cache when the gesture recognizer is inactive

func translation(addedTo initialPosition: MotionObservable<Point>, in element: Element) -> MotionObservable<Point> {
  return _nextOperator { value, next in
    if value.state == .began || (value.state == .changed && cachedInitialPosition == nil)  {
    } else if value.state != .began && value.state != .changed {
      cachedInitialPosition = nil

Emit the translationAddedTo initial position

Emit the sum of the cached initial position and the gesture’s translation.

func translation(addedTo initialPosition: MotionObservable<Point>, in element: Element) -> MotionObservable<Point> {
  return _nextOperator { value, next in
    if let cachedInitialPosition = cachedInitialPosition {
      let translation = value.translation(in: view)
      next(Point(x: cachedInitialPosition.x + translation.x,
                 y: cachedInitialPosition.y + translation.y))