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MotionObservable MotionObservable Core Animation feature specification
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Stable as of December 28, 2016 L3: Stream creator L4: Runtime engineering material-motion
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Core Animation support landed Stable December 28, 2016
iOS (Swift) View

MotionObservable Core Animation feature specification

This is the engineering specification for MotionObservable support for Core Animation.

This feature specification is targeted to the iOS platform alone.


Core Animation makes use of what is called the render server. The render server is an iOS-wide process for executing performant animations even if an application’s main thread is busy. The render server is a black box: once an animation object is added to it we can no longer augment that animation’s values or parameters. This design is distinct from other animation systems because we can’t apply stream operators to the animation as it progresses.

Core Animation uses animation objects to describe animations. These objects are much like our Tween specification.

Instead of emitting values on the next channel with every animation frame, Core Animation streams emit a single value on the next channel: the layer model value. Core Animation streams also emit a keyed animation object on a new channel called the coreAnimation channel. This combination of model value + core animation emitting provides the flexibility needed to create Core Animation-backed animations that work in a platform-expected manner.

Learn more about Core Animation.

Why don’t we emit the animation object on the next channel?

We make use of a separate core animation channel so that we may maximize interoperability with existing operators and interactions.

If we emitted a different T value for Core Animation-based streams then we’d have to introduce a new class of operators, interactions, and properties that support these distinct T types. While this would be more type safe, it would increase the burden on the L2 engineer. Rather than simply choose which animation system to use (POP, Core Animation, etc…), the L2 engineer would also have to rewrite all related code to handle the distinct types.

This spec has decided to lean towards improving the quality of life for an L2 engineer at the cost of increased complexity in the MotionObservable implementation.

In the following example we create a point spring stream backed by Core Animation with a x() operator applied to it.

let spring = Spring<CGPoint>(..., system: coreAnimation)
runtime.write(spring.x(), to: layer.positionX)

We might similarly write the above code using a POP spring system:

let spring = Spring<CGPoint>(..., system: pop)
runtime.write(spring.x(), to: layer.positionX)

Note that the only thing we need to change is which system we’re using.

Operator support

Operators can still be applied to Core Animation streams, making it possible to transform or filter Core Animation objects before they’re ultimately written to a layer.