Giving helpful feedback
Code review
Why do we review code?
- To receive feedback on code before it lands.
- To increase awareness of solutions across platforms.
- To evaluate incremental adherence to the starmap.
- To evaluate adherence to language style.
Helpful code review feedback is actionable. The feedback receiver should have a clear path towards resolving the feedback.
Unhelpful: “This solution isn’t going to work.”
Helpful: “I see another way to solve this problem. What are your thoughts on
<actionable solution>
Helpful code review feedback is relevant. Try to avoid increasing the scope of a change. A good rule of thumb is to ask “can this be solved in a follow-up diff?” If the answer is yes, file an issue and follow-up.
Unhelpful: “Can you also fix this
<unrelated problem>
?”Helpful: “I’ve filed
[this bug](link)
to track fixing a separate problem I noticed as part of this review.”
Helpful code review feedback is constructive.
Unhelpful: “Why did you build it this way?”
Helpful: “I’d like to learn more about why this change was made: can you add some background information to the diff’s description?”