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MotionObservable _remember startWith
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Stable as of February 21, 2016 L3: Stream creator L4: Runtime engineering material-motion
iOS (Swift) View View
JavaScript View View
upstream (T)
(T) downstream

_remember specification

This is the engineering specification for the MotionObservable operator: _remember.


_remember caches the most recent upstream value and synchronously broadcasts it to all subscribers.


Expose _remember API

class MotionObservable<T> {

  public func _remember() -> MotionObservable<T>

Create storage for a set of observers

  public func _remember() -> MotionObservable<T> {
    var observers: [MotionObserver<T>] = []

Create a nullable Subscription variable

Maintain a single upstream subscription so long as there is at least one downstream subscription.

  public func _remember() -> MotionObservable<T> {

    var subscription: Subscription?

Create a cache of the last-received value

This variable will store the last-received upstream value. This is necessary when providing the latest value to new subscribers.

  public func _remember() -> MotionObservable<T> {

    var lastValue: T?

Return a MotionObservable of type T

  public func _remember() -> MotionObservable<T> {

    return MotionObservable<T> {
      // Connection logic
      return {
        // Disconnection logic

On connection: subscribe upstream if necessary

The subscription should cache the received value and emit the value to all subscribed observers.

  public func _remember() -> MotionObservable<T> {

    return MotionObservable<T> {
      if observers.count == 0 {
        subscription = self.subscribe { value in
          lastValue = value
          for observer in observers {


On connection: add the observer to the list of observers

This should be done after subscribing upstream.

  public func _remember() -> MotionObservable<T> {

    return MotionObservable<T> {



On connection: immediately emit the last value to the observer

Only do this if lastValue has been set by the upstream subscription.

  public func _remember() -> MotionObservable<T> {

    return MotionObservable<T> {

      if let lastValue = lastValue {


On disconnection: remove the observer and unsubscribe if necessary

Unsubscribe once there are no more downstream subscribers.

  public func _remember() -> MotionObservable<T> {

    return MotionObservable<T> {

      return {
        if let index = observers.index(where: { $0 === observer }) {
          observers.remove(at: index)
          if observers.count == 0 {
            subscription = nil